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Chiropractic Assistant

Allergy and Immunology 201
A Primer of Cells, Signs, Symptoms, Testing, Development, Risk, Protection and Allergens


Hour 1

  • Indicate the immune system’s complexity as it fits into the body’s function
  • Give examples of various Interleukins involved in the immunity
  • List neurotransmitters, and vasoactive dilators
  • Contrast TH1 and TH2 immune cells and apply a working knowledge of their clinical phenotype.

Hour 2

  • Discuss signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis and current therapy.
  • List the major immune cells responsible for allergic reactions
  • Name the major receptor responsible for IgE sensitization, and what cells it is primarily found on.
  • Summarize the meaning of WAO.
  • List signs and symptoms of a typical allergic response after re-exposure to a sensitized allergen
  • List different methods of allergy testing and critique their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Give an example of a complicating factor that might skew an IgE(total) test result
  • Apply the terms sensitivity and specificity in lab tests
  • Categorize who is at risk of allergic sensitization.

Hour 3

  • List 1-2 examples of research supporting IgE sensitization prevention.
  • List 1-2 examples of factors which may increase risk of IgE sensitization.
  • Explain the effect of smoking on IgE
  • Have working knowledge of the effect of SO2 on health, and its primary source.
  • Describe how and why it Ragweed is fast becoming worse of a problem throughout the US and worldwide.
  • Indicate a potential sequela of Rhinoconjunctivitis and why it is meaningful to treat
  • Identify and name a treatment backed by clinical evidence for Ragweed allergy and its meaning for natural therapy to be used by non-prescribing practitioners
  • Describe a potential problem with medical Sublingual allergy therapy, and then defend it.
  • Outline the major allergens in Ragweed.
  • Give an example of co-sensitivity
  • Define Pan allergen and give an example

Grant Shapiro, DC

AudioVisual Course

$60.00 USD

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