Pharmacology - OT Assistant

Pharmacology 212
Putting the Pieces Together: Medication Safety in Healthcare


$38.00 USD

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  • Discuss the impact of medication errors on patient safety and the risk factors that contribute to healthcare issues.
  • Analyze safety standards and the role of organizational culture in the prevention of healthcare and medication related adverse events
  • Describe error reporting systems, processes, and tools used to investigate and disclose medication-related adverse events
  • Identify high-alert and high-risk medications and measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of adverse events
  • Recognize the impact on technology on reducing adverse healthcare outcomes

Stefan D. Weekes, PharmD

AudioVisual Course

Pharmacology 211
A Hard Pill to Swallow: Medication Optimization for Patients with Dysphagia and Potential Treatment Options


$38.00 USD

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  • Explain how different classes of medications can cause central nervous system impairment, significant side effects, and direct dysphagia complications that could elevate a person's risk for adverse sequelae 
  • Identify who is at risk for drug-induced dysphagia complications and be prepared to advocate for your patients with the entire medical team, collaborating with pharmacy, nursing, physicians, and more 
  • Describe medications that could improve swallow function, especially when taken correctly, and advocate for people who have difficulty swallowing pills and require safe strategies and solutions

Stefan D. Weekes, PharmD

AudioVisual Course

Pharmacology 210
A Rehab Professional's Guide to the Building Blocks of Pharmacology


$38.00 USD

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  • Compare how pharmacokinetics, clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics work on the body 
  • Categorize medications based of drug classes and mechanisms of actions, indications, adverse effects, and monitoring parameters as it relates to adults and elderly 
  • Recognize how to properly use, administer, and dispose of medications

Stefan D. Weekes, PharmD

AudioVisual Course

Pharmacology 209
Discovering The Balance Between How Medications Impact Falls


$57.00 USD

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  • Identify modifiable risk factors, drug-induced behavioral changes, and other potential drug-related adverse effects
  • Interpret research-based factors relating polypharmacy to negative clinical consequences
  • Discuss the significance of medication monitoring as a part of the overall fall prevention program
  • Recognize patient education opportunities about medication-related fall prevention and recommend fall prevention strategies
  • Categorize potential fall risk medications listed in the Beers Criteria.

Stefan D. Weekes, PharmD

AudioVisual Course

Pharmacology 102
Pharmacology for Physical Therapy Practitioners


$19.00 USD

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  • Define and analyze the general principles of the nervous system, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic uses and toxicology of drugs.
  • Describe the different drug sources, drug classification groups, and routes of administration.
  • Describe the effects of basic physical therapy modalities, such as exercise, heat, cold, and manual techniques, on pharmacokinetics.
  • Discuss the mechanism of action, adverse effects, modification of some effects, and side effects of the drugs used to treat the common cardiovascular, pulmonary, orthopedic, metabolic, and neurological conditions commonly encountered by physical therapists.
  • Develop the abilities to find up-to-date information on drugs and apply such in current physical therapy practice in conjunction with the different physical therapy modalities.

Eloisa Aniceta, PT

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