Pediatrics - OT Assistant

Postural Control 101

Development of Postural Control


$38.00 USD

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  • Describe the development of postural control systems and the influence of that development on gross- and fine-motor development.
  • Discuss atypical development of postural control and its influence on the development of gross- and fine-motor skills.
  • Identify appropriate assessment tools available for the evaluation of postural control.
  • Identify appropriate treatment techniques for facilitating reactive and anticipatory postural control.

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

Case Studies

Pediatrics 252
Pediatric Hand Therapy


$38.00 USD

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  • Describe 3 ways that OTs who specialize in pediatric hand therapy apply frames of reference to evaluation and intervention
  • Describe 3 assessment and evaluations used by OTs in a pediatric hand therapy setting and explain how they guide intervention planning
  • List and describe 5 common diagnoses and associated impairments treated by pediatric hand therapists
  • Examine 3 interventions that OTs implement with children who have upper extremity impairment
  • Examine 3 ways in which OTs in pediatric hand therapy apply interventions to achieve desired clinical outcomes

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 251

Neuromotor: Cerebral Palsy


$38.00 USD

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  • Describe 3 clinical characteristics associated with the different types of cerebral palsy
  • Describe how primary and secondary impairments associated with cerebral palsy contribute to functional limitations
  • Describe 3 current theories of motor control and how they are applied to interventions for children with cerebral palsy
  • Examine 3 ways in which impaired muscle tone influences activity and participation in children diagnosed with cerebral palsy
  • Describe 2 ways in which rehabilitative and compensatory approaches are applied in comprehensive services for children with cerebral palsy

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 250
Autism Spectrum Disorders


$57.00 USD

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  • Define autism spectrum disorder and describe how it impacts the occupational performance of individuals
  • Describe 3 ways in which ASD in one family member affects the entire family
  • Outline the OTs role in assessment and intervention in ASD
  • Summarize 5 ways that OTs assist families to improve the occupational performance of children with ASD as well as overall family functioning

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 249

Intervention for Children Who Are Blind or Who Have Visual Impairment


$38.00 USD

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  • Define terminology and compare blindness and visual impairment in children and youth
  • List and describe the members and roles of the inter-professional team who may be involved with children who are blind or visually impaired
  • Describe 3 ways in which visual impairment will affect occupational performance
  • Examine 3 concepts and client factors related to occupational performance of children who are blind or visually impaired
  • Describe 3 types of assessments used in the evaluation of a child who is blind or visually impaired
  • Describe 3 ways in which theory will guide practice when working with this population
  • Examine and discuss evidence that supports OT intervention with infants, children, or youth with blindness/visual impairment

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 248
Hospital and Pediatric Rehabilitation Services


$38.00 USD

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  • Describe 5 characteristics of children's hospitals and the functions of OTs in these settings
  • Describe which types of children are commonly treated in hospital-based rehabilitation units, other specialized inpatient units, and outpatient therapy services
  • Describe OT interventions in children's hospitals, and examine what evidence exists to support interventions for children with common diagnoses
  • Outline 3 intervention approaches and 3 teaching strategies that are commonly used in pediatric rehabilitation
  • Describe how OTs establish collaborative relationships with other providers in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams
  • Outline how OTs promote family participation in rehabilitation and address transition home as part of discharge planning

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 247
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit


$57.00 USD

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  • Examine and describe the scope of knowledge and the various roles required for competent practice in the neonatal intensive care unit
  • Describe what is meant by “potentially better practices to support neurodevelopment in the NICU,” as developed by the collaborative Vermont Oxford Network project
  • Describe and outline 3 ways in which the intrauterine and NICU extrauterine environments differ
  • Describe 3 protective interventions used to reduce avoidable stimulation from excessive or inappropriate light, sound, and caregiving practices in the NICU
  • Describe why protected sleep is so important to an infant in the third trimester, whether in the womb or the NICU
  • List and examine 3 factors that are considered in evaluating an infant in the NICU
  • Outline and describe 6 neurobehavioral states, as defined by Brazelton and Als

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 246

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, Driving, and Community Participation


$38.00 USD

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  • List and describe the instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) during childhood
  • Examine how participation in IADL and community activities contributes to occupational development for children and youth of all abilities
  • Describe the developmental opportunities and expectations for participation in IADL and community participation for children and youth
  • Examine and explain 3 theoretical foundations of occupation-based interventions for improving participation and performance of IADL and community activities and the evidence that supports these interventions
  • Describe 3 assessments specifically used to evaluate IADL and community participation for children and youth
  • Examine approaches and strategies used by an OT to increase participation and performance of IADL and community activities for children and youth with special needs
  • Describe and examine how emotional well-being, health, peer relationships, and life satisfaction are associated with IADL and community participation

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 245
Feeding Intervention


$38.00 USD

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  • Outline common medical conditions associated with feeding and swallowing disorders
  • Name and examine cranial nerves that influence oral motor control and swallowing
  • Outline and explain the typical developmental sequences for oral feeding and self-feeding skills
  • Describe how OTs evaluate feeding, eating, and swallowing
  • Examine and describe 3 supplemental diagnostic tests used to evaluate underlying causes for feeding disorders
  • Describe the major components of a comprehensive intervention plan for pediatric feeding, eating, and swallowing problems
  • Describe how positioning influences self-feeding and swallowing skills
  • Explain what OT's do to modify foods and liquids in the feeding intervention plan
  • Summarize theoretical principles and strategies associated with behavioral interventions for selective eating or food refusal
  • List and describe 3 safety considerations for OTs working with children with feeding and swallowing disorders

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 244

Interventions to Promote Social Participation for Children with Mental Health and Behavioral Disorders


$38.00 USD

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  • Outline and describe the diagnostic categories and potential problems of children who may have social participation deficits
  • Name 2 major theories that explain social skill deficits in children
  • Describe the role of OT and other team members who provide services to children and youth with social skill impairments
  • Examine and describe 3 specific skills that can be addressed with social skills interventions
  • Describe how theories and approaches inform social skills intervention
  • Analyze 3 principles and strategies that occupational therapists use to improve social skills in children
  • Summarize evidence that supports interventions that can be used with children who have social skill impairments

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 243
Cognitive Interventions for Children


$38.00 USD

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  • Outline and describe theories that provide the foundation for cognitive approaches
  • Define and explain terms such as cognition and metacognition
  • Examine 3 concepts, principles, and key features defining a cognitive intervention
  • Examine how cognitive strategies are applied in occupational therapy practice
  • Explore how Cognitive Orientation to Occupational Performance is applied

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 242

Application of Motor Control/Motor Learning to Practice


$38.00 USD

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  • List the key concepts of motor control and motor learning theories
  • Outline 3 principles and strategies of contemporary motor control interventions
  • Describe how practitioners develop evidence-based interventions for children with motor control deficits
  • Identify which child, task, and environmental factors influence motor skill acquisition and occupational performance
  • Describe how practitioners apply motor learning concepts to promote children's occupational performance
  • Analyze how the transfer of learning, feedback, practice, sequencing and adapting tasks, modeling or demonstration, and mental rehearsal are used to promote children's motor performance

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 226

Visual Perception


$57.00 USD

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  • Define visual perception
  • Describe the typical development of visual-perceptual skills
  • Identify factors that contribute to typical or atypical development of visual perception
  • Explain the effects of visual-perceptual problems on occupations and life activities such as activities of daily living, education, work, play, leisure, and social participation
  • Describe models and theories that may be used in structuring intervention plans for children who have problems with visual-perceptual skills
  • Identify assessments and methods useful in the evaluation of visual-perceptual skills in children
  • Describe intervention strategies for assisting children in improving or compensating for problems with visual-perceptual skills
  • Give case examples, including principles of evaluation and intervention.

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 225

Use of Standardized Tests in Pediatric Practice


$57.00 USD

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  • Describe 5 characteristics of commonly used standardized pediatric tests
  • Contrast 3 differences between norm- and criterion-referenced tests and the purpose of each
  • Explain 3 ways in which performance- and observation-based tests differ
  • Examine what descriptive statistics are used in standardized pediatric tests
  • Explain what standard scores used in standardized pediatric tests mean
  • Examine and describe how reliability and validity relate to a test's integrity
  • Describe how OT's demonstrate competency in and ethical use of standardized tests

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 224

Early Intervention


$57.00 USD

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  • Describe what is meant by early intervention
  • Examine how federal legislation and regulations provide the framework for OT services in early intervention
  • Discuss what is best practice in early intervention
  • Explore how OTs partner with families and other professionals to provide developmentally appropriate and family-centered services
  • Describe which OT practices and service delivery models support early intervention in the natural environment
  • Describe which strategies OTs use to promote children's performance and participation

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 223

School-Based Occupational Therapy


$57.00 USD

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  • Examine and describe how major legislation guides and regulates education for students with and without disabilities
  • Analyze 3 ways that the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Elementary and Secondary Education Act affects the role of OTs in schools
  • Explore which major amendments to IDEA have been implemented over the past 3 decades
  • Outline the major provisions of Part B of IDEA— free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment
  • Describe how OTs provide services under Part B of IDEA, including referral, evaluation, individual education program, and interventions
  • Examine 3 ways that OT services that support students with and without disabilities are integrated into the classroom and across school environments
  • Provide 3 examples of indirect and direct OT services
  • Discuss how OTs under the IDEA 2004, ESEA, and No Child Left Behind Act provide early intervention services and response to intervention
  • Explain how OTs promote school mental health within a multitiered, public health model

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 222

Play in Children with Cerebral Palsy: Doing With-Not Doing To


$38.00 USD

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  • Define the characteristics of play
  • Outline and describe 5 limitations in children with cerebral palsy
  • Examine the role of play in treatment and daily life
  • Review and list 5 considerations for play in treatment
  • Describe the various ways that play can be used in treatment
  • Outline the role of adults when facilitating play
  • Read case studies to review clinical application

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 221

Play in Children with Autism: Structure and Experience


$38.00 USD

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  • Describe and outline the structure of play
  • List the differences between structure and experience of play for children with autism
  • Outline 5 interventions to support play for children with autism
  • Read case examples to understand clinical application
  • Examine intervention strategies used by OT's to promote and enhance development of play
  • List 5 goals for promoting play in children with autism

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 220

Integrating Children with Disabilities into Family Play


$19.00 USD

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  • Describe 3 waays that play relates to the family
  • Describe play as therapeutic medium
  • Examine the role of family play as part of the therapeutic process
  • Summarize how play is influenced by values, culture and settings
  • Consider the impact of a child with a disability on family and play

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 219

Play, Leisure and Social Participation in Educational Settings


$38.00 USD

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  • Become familiar with the background of play behavior
  • Describe the importance of play and leisure activities in school settings
  • Explain the deficits that occur when children do not play
  • Examine the Occupational Therapy process in the educational setting
  • Review interventions for play in educational settings
  • Describe outcomes for play  and leisure exploration and participation

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 218

Play in Middle Childhood


$38.00 USD

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  • Explore the development that occurs during the ages of middle childhood
  • List and describe the major hallmarks of middle childhood
  • Describe important components in constructing a play environment
  • Become familiar with characteristics of play during middle childhood
  • Read case studies as a clinical guide to treatment and clinical application

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 217

Play and the Sensory Integrative Approach


$38.00 USD

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  • Describe sensory integrative contributions to various stages of play development
  • List 5 ways that sensory integrative deficits affect play
  • Examiine how deficits in play affect sensory integrative functions
  • Become familiar with play in the context of OT using a sensory integrative approach
  • Read case studies and understand clinical application

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 216

Power of Object Play for Infants and Toddlers


$57.00 USD

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  • Explore the therapeutic power of object play
  • Identify 3 sources of power in therapeutic occupations
  • Review and recite literature on object play
  • Discuss the significance of integrating development, play and occupation
  • Idenitify various uses of object of play in practice
  • List criteria for selecting objects to enhance motivation
  • Review the use of object play to address common performance skills
  • Describe the use of object play to develop environmental negotiation skills

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 215

Test of Playfulness


$38.00 USD

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  • Become familiar with the Test of Playfulness (ToP)
  • Explain the steps involved in administering and scoring the ToP
  • Examine evidence for validity and reliability for the ToP
  • Describe environmental influences of playfulness
  • Explain the Test of Environmental Supportivenss (TOES)
  • Read case studies to review clinical application

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 214



$38.00 USD

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  • Describe 5 ways that mobility is important to a young child's development
  • Examine 5 factors that should be considered during an evaluation for seating and mobility equipment
  • Summarize 3 ways that mobility is assessed and categorized for different levels of motor function
  • List 4 alternative methods of mobility appropriate to meet the child's developmental and functional needs
  • Research and describe what power mobility devices are currently available
  • Examine how OTs and family determine the most appropriate device
  • Describe how technology is used to assess seating and positioning
  • List 5 devices that are available to children with unique seating and position needs
  • Summarize how positioning and seating affect function and successful use of a mobility device
  • Describe how biomechanical principles are applied to position and seating

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 213

Influencing Participation Through Assistive Technology


$57.00 USD

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  • Analyze 3 purposes of assistive devices and services and their relevance to the practice of OT
  • Describe 2 ways that legal mandates influence assistive technology service delivery
  • Outline 3 key components of guiding frameworks and models that influence decisions about assistive technology
  • Summarize 3 ways that teams collaborate to provide assistive technology services
  • Explore 3 ways that assistive technology enhances childhood occupations
  • Examine and describe 3 assessments that are used to evaluate the need for, selection of, and effects of assistive technology
  • Describe how sociocultural differences influence the acceptance of assistive technology
  • Describe the continuum of and interrelationship between no-tech and high-tech solutions
  • Examine how evidence-based practices are used throughout the service delivery process
  • List 5 resources for continued competence in the evaluation, selection, and implementation of assistive technology

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 212

Prewriting and Handwriting Skills


$38.00 USD

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  • Describe the role of the OT in evaluation of and intervention for children with handwriting difficulties
  • List and outline 5 factors that contribute to handwriting readiness for young children
  • Describe 3 methods for evaluating handwriting and functional written communication
  • Examine and describe 3 ways that performance skills, client factors, performance patterns, and context influence the student's participation in the writing process
  • Recite 5 ways that handwriting fits into the educational writing process
  • Rationalize how remedial and compensatory strategies improve a student's written communication
  • Explore 5 ways that OT practitioners use pediatric OT models of practice and handwriting intervention programs to improve children's handwriting
  • Examine 3 handwriting interventions and programs that are supported with research evidence

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 211

Play in Pediatrics


$19.00 USD

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  • Describe key components involved in the relationship of play to OT
  • List and describe 3 play theories that have shaped OT's lens on play
  • Compare and contrast 3 assessment tools that OTs use for evaluation and intervention planning purposes
  • Describe how individual and environmental factors facilitate and/or inhibit play
  • Analyze 3 ways that play is used in OT intervention
  • Summarize 3 ways that OTs advocate for play in today's society

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 210

Activities of Daily Living


$76.00 USD

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  • Describe 3 factors that affect performance of ADLs and sleep habits of children?
  • Examine and explain how and when to evaluate ADL skills and describe 3 formal evaluations available
  • List and analyze 5 general intervention strategies and approaches used to promote ADL skills including healthy sleep and rest
  • Describe what evidence is available to support the use of specific intervention techniques with specific groups of children with disabilities
  • Describe 2 ways to modify the environment, equipment, or techniques to support ADL development and sleep in children with disabilities
  • Summarize the effects of context on a child's performance and parental expectations for ADL, sleep, and rest

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 209

Interventions and Strategies for Challenging Behaviors


$19.00 USD

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  • List and describe 4 functions of challenging behaviors
  • Explore and describe 3 ways a therapist can prevent challenging behaviors from occurring
  • Name and outline 3 strategies for supporting positive behaviors in children
  • Summarize 3 principles and strategies to reduce challenging behaviors
  • Describe how positive behavior support and functional behavioral analysis are used to support student behaviors in school contexts

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 208

Sensory Integration


$57.00 USD

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  • Define the term “sensory integration” as it relates to neurobiologic processes and as a frame of reference in OT
  • List and describe sensory systems emphasized in Ayres Sensory Integration and examine why they are considered important
  • List 3 ways in which sensory experiences support brain function and describe 2 conditions under which they optimally influence neuroplastic changes
  • List 3 key hallmarks of development in the tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular systems, and describe how each developmental achievement in each system contributes to mastery of occupations from early infancy through childhood
  • Explore and recite 2 pieces of research that exists for the different types of sensory integration problems in childhood
  • List and examine 3 key indicators of problems in sensory modulation, perception, vestibular-bilateral functions, and praxis, and describe how each area affect child behavior
  • List 3 primary methods and specific instruments that are used to assess sensory integration

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 207

Evaluation and Intervention to Develop Hand Skills


$76.00 USD

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  • Outline and describe the sequence of hand function development in infants and children
  • List 3 factors which contribute to the development of hand function
  • Describe 3 ways that hand function problems affect children's occupational performance
  • Summarize and examine 3 assessment tools and methods that are useful in evaluating children's hand skills?
  • Analyze how intervention practice models and principles are used by OTs to promote hand function
  • Describe how OTs use specific intervention strategies to improve hand function given a wide range of diagnoses
  • Explore and list 3 assistive technologies and adapted techniques that can be used to improve children's hand function and increase participation in play, school, and activities of daily living
  • Describe 2 ways in which research supports OT practice models for hand function interventions

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Pediatrics 206

Sensory-Based Learning Strategies


$19.00 USD

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  • Define sensory processing and self-regulation.
  • List at least five symptoms that may indicate a Sensory Processing Disorder.
  • Explain the Fussy Baby Analogy in relation to the three sensory-based learning strategies.
  • Describe at least three examples of ways that each sensory-based learning strategy can be used in a school setting.
  • Develop a sensory schedule based on given guidelines.
  • Assess the effectiveness of sensory-based learning strategies through data collection.

Stephanie Lancaster, OTR


Pediatrics 205

Cerebral Palsy (CP)


$57.00 USD

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  • Become familiar with the classification, etiology and pathophysiology of CP
  • Explore and examine how an infant or child is diagnosed with CP
  • Compare and contrast single-system and multi-system impairments
  • Discuss the role of Occupational and Physical Therapy in the treatment CP
  • Become familiar with determinants of prognosis or outcome
  • List 5 treatment goals and interventions for the infant with CP
  • List 5 treatment goals and interventions for the child with CP
  • Describe the importance of reducing primary impairment and preventing secondary impairment in the infant/child with CP
  • Discuss the importance and significance of family involvement and key characteristics that must observed
  • List factors that must be addressed in preparation for the transition to adulthood in the adolescent with CP

Rocco Labbadia, RPT

Case Studies

Pediatrics 204

Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC)


$28.50 USD

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  • Become familiar with the incidence and etiology of AMC
  • Examine and explain how a diagnosis of AMC is determined
  • Name 2 clinical manifestations of AMC
  • Become familiar with the medical management of infants and children with AMC
  • Identify 5 therapy interventions for infants with AMC
  • Discuss the importance of stretching and splinting programs as well as other adaptive equipment
  • Describe therapy intervention for the pre-school aged child with AMC
  • Name 3 therapy interventions for the adolescent with AMC
  • Become familiar with the challenges that the child with AMC faces as during transition to adulthood
  • Review clinical application through case study

Rocco Labbadia, RPT

Case Studies

Pediatrics 203

Brachial Plexus Injuries (BPI)


$19.00 USD

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  • Describe the incidence, etiology and pathophysiology of BPI
  • Become familiar with the changes in body structure and function that occur with various levels of BPI
  • Define therapy goals and identify appropriate treatment interventions for children with BPI
  • Define and differentiate Erbs palsy from Klumpkes palsy
  • Become familiar with the medical management, orthopedic surgery and orthopedic concerns of infants and children with BPI
  • Become familiar with outcomes of children with BPI
  • Apply clinical application with the use of case studies

Rocco Labbadia, RPT

Case Studies

Pediatrics 202

Muscular Dystrophy and Spinal Muscular Atrophy


$57.00 USD

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  • Describe and explore the role of the therapist in the treatment, examination and evaluation of children with MD or SMA.
  • Describe and differentiate classification/types of MD.
  • Summarize and outline 3 key features of the Vignos Functional Rating Scale for Duchenne MD.
  • Recognize diagnosis and pathophysiology of SMA.
  • Describe clinical application through case studies.

Rocco Labbadia, RPT

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Pediatrics 201

Sports Injuries in Children


$57.00 USD

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  • Become familiar with prevention as a key way to manage sports injuries.
  • Explain and identify the 7 risk factors for injury.
  • Identify different types of injuries and major sites of injury.
  • Become familiar with rehabilitation protocols and methods for return to play.
  • Become familiar with working with young athletes with physical disabilities.
  • Describe 3 uses for clinical application through case study

Rocco Labbadia, RPT

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Pediatrics 101 OTA

Pediatric Skills for OTA's


$665.00 USD

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  • Describe the basics of the OT Practice Framework and its relationship to clinical practice.
  • Identify key components of a pediatric medical system.
  • Outline the sequence of normal development of the child and adolescent.
  • Explore how to apply activity analysis to treatment intervention.
  • Describe signs and symptoms of various pediatric health conditions.
  • Describe the role of the COTA in choosing therapeutic media.
  • Describe characteristics of assitive technology and its importance in making technology decisions.
  • Describe 3 reasons related to the importance of splinting and orthotics management.
  • Describe the use of animal-assisted services.

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Feeding Intervention 101

The Basics of Feeding


$95.00 USD

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  • Define 5 factors that influence feeding, eating, and mealtime occupations.
  • Outline the sequence of typical feeding and self-feeding skills.
  • Describe how feeding contributes to and reflects the parent-child relationship.
  • Analyze how a disability can interfere with feeding interactions.
  • Explain the evaluation of and intervention for oral sensory and motor impairments as they affect feeding skills of children.
  • Define and describe swallowing disorders and intervention for swallowing problems.

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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