Nutrition - Chiropractic Student

Nutrition 129

Nutritional Support for Obesity and Weight Loss - Part 1


$20.00 USD

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  • Define obesity, including its symptoms, epidemiology and effects on health and wellness.
  • Review conventional treatments for obesity
  • Discuss popular diets for obesity and weight loss, and the macronutrients: carbohydrates, protein, and fats
  • Review nutritional support strategies for weight loss.

Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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Nutrition 128

Nutritional Support for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


$20.00 USD

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  • Define the criteria for diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Outline the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Summarize the relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome and the endocrine system
  • Discuss natural therapies that may be helpful for CFS patients
  • Describe the relationship between neurotransmitters and chronic fatigue syndrome

Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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Nutrition 125

Drug-Vitamin-Herb Interactions


$22.00 USD

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  • Discuss the interactions between nutritional supplements and diuretics, statins and anticoagulant drugs
  • Discuss the interactions between nutritional supplements and antidepressants, antidiabetic medications, and antibiotics
  • Discuss the interactions between drugs and the B vitamins, fat soluble vitamins
  • Discuss the interactions between drugs and vitamin C, folic acid, PABA, progesterone, tyrosine, phenylalanine, and therapeutic oils

Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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Nutrition 124
Nutritional Support for Cognitive Enhancement and Mental Decline


$66.00 USD

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  • Review Age-Associated Mental Decline, including its symptoms, causes and innovative drug therapies
  • Discuss and define nutritional support strategies for Age-Associated Mental Decline, including vitamins, hormones and antioxidants
  • Outline innovative drug strategies for cognitive enhancement
  • Apply nutritional support strategies for cognitive enhancement

Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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Nutrition 123

Nutritional Support for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)


$66.00 USD

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  • Define the common signs and symptoms leading to the diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • Utilize conventional and alternative lab test for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • Learn about the conventional treatment options for ALS, including drug therapies and new drug research
  • Utilize nutritional support strategies for ALS, including diet, and nutritional supplements
  • Coordinate care with the Medical Profession for innovative drug strategies for ALS

Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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Nutrition 122

Nutritional Support for Alzheimer's Disease


$66.00 USD

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  • Discuss the causes and genetics of Alzheimer's Disease
  • Review the diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease, including symptoms, incidence, course, and risk factors
  • Understand conventional lab tests for Alzheimer's Disease
  • Review the conventional treatment options for Alzheimer's disease, including drug therapies
  • Understand new drug research and innovative drug strategies for Alzheimer's disease
  • Utilize nutritional strategies for Alzheimer's disease, including vitamin, mineral and herbal therapies
  • Discuss and define drug-vitamin-herb interactions for nutritional supplements recommended for Alzheimer's disease

Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

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Nutrition 121

Nutrition and Exercise, Muscle Physiology, Training Methods, Weight Training


$40.00 USD

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  • Understand how muscle contraction occurs
  • Review practical muscle physiology
  • Determine how the body responds to exercise
  • Discuss the role of hormones in regards to muscle
  • Identify the components of proper assessment for physical fitness
  • Review the main components of a weight training exercise program
  • Identify various exercise training methods
  • Discuss the practical aspects of body composition
  • Review basic nutrition and how it relates to sport and exercise
  • Determine the energy needs and energy balance of the athlete

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 119

Natural Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Agents


$40.00 USD

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  • Identify how free radicals are formed and what parts of the body are affected.
  • Determine the relationship between antioxidants and cardiovascular disease and cancer
  • Discuss the role that vitamins, amino acids and herbs have in pain control.
  • Examine inflammation and the pro-inflammatory state.
  • Construct an anti-inflammatory diet
  • Determine which vitamins, minerals and herbs are useful as natural anti-inflammatories.
  • Identify the role of Proteolytic enzymes and inflammation and review sources of fatty acids.

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 118

Co Q10: Functions, Use in Performance, Parkinson Disease and Migraines


$21.00 USD

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  • Identify some of the functions of Co Q10
  • Use Co Q10 for as appropriate as a supplement
  • List the issues of performance changes with Co Q10
  • Discuss the reasons for, and application of, Co Q10 for patients with Parkinson Disease and migraines

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

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Nutrition 117

Drug, Herb and Nutrient Interactions and Toxicity


$20.00 USD

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  • Identify common drug and nutrient interactions
  • Identify herbal interactions
  • Identify nutrient and nutrient interactions
  • Recognize different toxicity levels for various nutrients
  • To formulate treatment recommendations based a patient's medication intake.

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 112

Obesity - Calculations, Body Composition, Diet, and Exercise


$20.00 USD

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  • Identify the link between obesity and disease
  • Understand body composition and assessment methods
  • Design a practical weight loss diet program
  • Perform obesity related calculations quick and easily in the office
  • Recognize the role of exercise and other lifestyle factors that can influence obesity.

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 111

Childhood Nutrition - Vitamins, Minerals, Fiber, Growth and Obesity


$20.00 USD

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  • Understand proper growth rates and weight gain in early childhood
  • Identify specific minerals involved in childhood nutrition
  • Explain the stages of obesity development in childhood
  • Review the importance and problems associated with childhood obesity
  • Evaluate the role of fiber in childhood

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 110

Female Nutrition - Osteoporosis, Pregnancy and Lactation


$20.00 USD

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  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of calcium and other minerals in osteoporosis
  • Design a treatment protocol for the osteoporotic patient
  • Create nutritional guidelines for the pregnant female
  • Identify changes in vitamin and mineral requirements in pregnancy
  • Review the nutritional changes that occur with lactation

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 109

Nutrition and the Elderly


$20.00 USD

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  • Identify changes in vitamin needs and status that occurs with aging and in the elderly
  • List changes in mineral needs and status that occurs with aging and in the elderly
  • Demonstrate an understanding of protein, fiber and water needs of the elderly
  • Identify important antioxidants in the elderly and the interactions that exist between them
  • Create a list of nutritional deficiencies and how they can lead to disease and illness in the elderly

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 108

Herbal Therapies III


$20.00 USD

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  • Discuss the mechanism and effects of Feverfew, Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Gugulipid, Gymnena Sylvestre, Horse Chestnut, Lemon Balm, Licorice, Milk Thistle, Nettle, Passionflower, Psyllium, Pygeum, Senna, Shiitake, St. Johns Wort, Saw Palmetto, Tea Tree Oil, Tumeric, Valerian Root, and White Willow

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 107

Herbal Therapies II


$20.00 USD

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  • Identify the conditions treated with specific herbs
  • List the effects, indications and dosages for Boswellia, Burdock Root, Bromelain, Calendula, Cascara sagrada, Cayenne, CBD (cannabis), Chamomile, Echinacea

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 106

Herbal Therapies I


$20.00 USD

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  • Discuss the basics of herbal medicine
  • Identify the conditions treated with herbs
  • List the effects, indications and dosages for T Bilberry and Black Cohosh

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 105

Nutritional Treatment for Hypertension, Peripheral Vascular Disease and Other CV Conditions


$20.00 USD

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  • Discuss various diet and lifestyle factors involving hypertension
  • Recognize the relationship between various minerals and hypertension
  • Distinguish the nutritional aspects of various related cardiovascular conditions
  • Identify the relationship between various herbs and peripheral vascular diseases

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 104

Nutritional Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease


$20.00 USD

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  • Identify risk factors of cardiovascular disease
  • Construct a list of appropriate food and food groups associated with cardiovascular disease prevention
  • Evaluate various supplements that are beneficial in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease
  • Differentiate various diets in regard to cardiovascular disease

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 103

Antioxidants, Vitamin E, Silymarin, Magnesium and Whole Grains


$20.00 USD

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  • Review aspects of antioxidants and free radicals
  • Discuss how silymarin can improve an alcohol-damaged liver
  • Describe the connection/mechanism between atherosclerosis and vitamin E
  • Identify research evidence between whole grains and disease
  • Delineate the relationship of magnesium and hypertension

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 102

Blood Lipids, Probiotics and the Effects of Bromelain and Tea Tree Oil


$20.00 USD

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  • Distinguish how orange juice can improve blood lipid profiles
  • Discuss dietary aspects for the vegetarian athlete
  • Identify the relationship between bromelain and acute inflammation
  • Develop the anti-septic activity of tea tree oil
  • Describe Probiotics

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Nutrition 101
Resistance Exercise and Lipoprotein, and the Effects of Boswelia and Green Tea


$20.00 USD

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  • Identify the correlation of resistance exercise and lipoprotein Patterns
  • Discuss the effect of boswelia on arthritis
  • Review the effect of green tea on weight loss
  • Establish the relationship of exercise and water replacement
  • Identify the relationship of red wine and the cardiovascular system

Gary Italia, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course