Medical Errors - OT Assistant

Medical Errors 202b

Types of Medical Errors, Risk Factors and Prevention


$19.00 USD

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  • Summarize the following types of medical errors:
    1. medication errors
    2. handoff errors
    3. diagnostic errors
    4. healthcare acquired infections
    5. device associated infections
  • List factors that increase the risk of the above medical errors
  • Describe strategies to prevent the above medical errors

  • Recommend taking Medical Errors 202a prior to taking this course

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Medical Errors 202a

Definitions, Concepts, Scope of the Problem and Types of Errors


$19.00 USD

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  • Define Medical Error
  • Discuss Medical Errors in the Context of Other Types of Error
  • Illustrate the Scope of the Medical Error Problem
  • List Serious Reportable Medical Events
  • Define Key Events in the Field of Patient Safety
  • Review the Epidemiology of Medical Error
  • Describe the Taxonomy of Medical Error
  • Identify commonly misdiagnosed conditions
  • Identify populations of special vulnerability
  • Review Types of Medical Errors
  • Discuss Falls and Teamwork/Communication Errors and how to prevent them

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Medical Errors 101
Avoiding Medical Errors


$38.00 USD

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  • List some of the most common medical errors reported in the US health care system
  • List the three major systems that the President of the US in 2000 mentioned in his speech regarding errors in the health care system and discuss ways these tools could help decrease errors in our health care system
  • Name a few organizations that collect data from health organizations to help analyze medical errors to help correct on a state level, and a national level
  • Discuss the Evidence Based Practice and converse why this is an important concept in preventing medical errors
  • Name the industry that is the template for a medical error system that works on each level of the structure, denying individual blame
  • List some concepts in quality improvement that AHRQ and other organizations are working on to decrease Medical errors

Virginia Norris-Schafer, DC, MD

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