- This contains all courses with the educational objectives listed from Manipulation 103 through Manipulation 114
- AKAlaska
- AZArizona
- BCBritish Columbia
- COColorado
- CTConnecticut
- DEDelaware
- DCDistrict of Columbia
- FLFlorida
- GAGeorgia
- GUGuam
- IDIdaho
- ILIllinois
- INIndiana
- IAIowa
- KSKansas
- MEMaine
- MBManitoba
- MDMaryland
- MAMassachusetts
- MIMichigan
- MNMinnesota
- MOMissouri
- MTMontana
- NENebraska
- NBNew Brunswick
- NHNew Hampshire
- NJNew Jersey
- NCNorth Carolina
- NDNorth Dakota
- NSNova Scotia
- OHOhio
- ONOntario
- OROregon
- PRPuerto Rico
- RIRhode Island
- SCSouth Carolina
- SDSouth Dakota
- TNTennessee
- UTUtah
- VTVermont
- VIVirgin Islands
- VAVirginia
- WAWashington
- WVWest Virginia
- WYWyoming
- YTYukon
Course Group includes all Manipulation Courses numbered 103 thru 114