Kinesiology - OT Assistant

Kinesiology 104

Kinesiology of the Hand


$76.00 USD

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  • Identify bones and osteologic features of the hand
  • Discuss joint structures and ligaments of the hand
  • Describe the kinematics of the hand
  • Define and differentiate extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the hand
  • Compare and contrast muscle and joint interactions of the hand
  • Outline sensory innervations of the hand
  • List joint deformities caused by rheumatoid arthritis

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Kinesiology 103

Kinesiology of the Wrist


$38.00 USD

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  • Identify carpal bones and osteologic features of the bones of the wrist
  • Discuss joint structures and ligaments of the wrist
  • Describe the kinematics of wrist motion
  • Define carpal instability
  • Compare and contrast muscle and joint interactions of the wrist
  • Outline functional innervations of the wrist
  • Discuss the function of muscles of the wrist

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Kinesiology 102
Kinesiology of the Elbow and Forearm


$57.00 USD

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  • Discuss osteology and arthrology of the elbow and forearm
  • Describe kinematics of the elbow joint and forearm
  • Compare and contrast muscle and joint interactions
  • Outline and describe the path of innervation of the brachial plexus
  • Discuss sensory innervation of the joints
  • Summarize muscle actions that act on the elbow
  • Summarize muscle actions that act on the forearm

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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Kinesiology 101

Kinesiology of the Shoulder Complex


$76.00 USD

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  • Describe the osteology and osteologic features of the shoulder complex
  • Describe the 4 joints within the shoulder complex and their associated features
  • List 6 kinematic principles of the shoulder complex
  • Describe the brachial plexus and innervation of muscles and joints of the shoulder complex
  • Summarize the function of the rotator cuff muscles and stabilizing tissues of the structures of the shoulder complex
  • Discuss why the glenoid labrum is so vulnerable to injury
  • Describe the vulnerability of the supraspinatus tendon

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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