Evidenced Based Outcomes - Chiropractic Doctor

Evidence Based Outcomes 213
Critical Appraisal Bootcamp


$60.00 USD

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  • Hypothesize situations where being able to critically evaluate research on your own may be particularly important
  • Recall the original definition of evidence-based medicine
  • Identify point-of-care resources for high quality evidence
  • Categorize the evidence-based resources into point-of-care, summaries, syntheses etc.
  • Define “bias” in the context of research studies
  • Discover risk of bias in randomized controlled trials as it relates to unmasking and blinding
  • Paraphrase the meaning of a “straw man” in the context of study design
  • Discover risk of bias in randomized controlled trials as it relates to industry sponsorship, specifically referencing spin, straw man design, selective outcome reporting
  • Identify the aspects of ‘non-specific effects’
  • Define minimal (clinically) important difference
  •  Explain why minimal important differences may be more relevant than p values
  • Apply research findings to the patient in front of you

Joshua Goldenberg, ND

AudioVisual Course

Evidence Based Outcomes 212
A Primer for the Clinician


$60.00 USD

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  • Recognize the initiation and growth of evidence-based  (EBP) or evidence informed practice (EIP)
  • Interpret the need to utilize EBP
  • Define EBP.
  • Explain the levels of evidence and applications to practice
  • Contrast EBP/EIP with what is not EBP/EIP and relate to your clinical expertise.
  • Evaluate the research evidence for application to practice
  • Locate the literature that applies to the doctor’s patient
  • Integrate the literature research with their clinical expertise and the patient preferences
  • Recognize patient preferences
  • Distinguish your patients from the benchmarks of care
  • Distinguish the different types of evidence
  • Synthesize EBP/EIP into case studies
  • Implement EBP/EIP procedures to your practice for increased patient compliance,
  • Differentiate individual patient cases with similar diagnoses
  • Identify actions contingent upon the level of evidence

David Taylor, DC, DABCN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course

Evidence Based Outcomes 211

Cold and Flu - Vaccinations, Green Tea, Zinc, Probiotics and Neti Pots


$40.00 USD

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  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine in healthy adults and children 
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine in the elderly 
  • Evaluate the importance of influenza vaccination in those with recent cardiac events 
  • Explain the key elements in the "Tamiflu Controversy" 
  • Discuss limitations to the Tamiflu research base 
  • Discuss limitations to using zinc for the common cold 
  • Evaluate strengths of study design for pragmatic trials 
  • Discuss the effectiveness of using probiotics for the common cold 

Joshua Goldenberg, ND

AudioVisual Course

Evidence Based Outcomes 204

Practical Guide to Using Outcome Assessment (Measures) in Your Clinical Practice


$29.00 USD

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  • Provide a rationale for the use of outcome assessments in practice
  • Survey the recommended outcome assessment measures used by chiropractors and provide a copy or link to download them electronically
  • Describe the recommended outcome measures and provide instruction on how to score them
  • Detail the psychometric properties of the commonly used outcome measures to aid in determining clinically relevant change in patients
  • Indicate which outcome measures to use and when to use them

  • NOTE:  This course gives you licensed ability to 10 different outcome assessment forms to use in your office

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

Downloadable Course in PDF

Evidence Based Outcomes 202

Evidence Based Practice: Asking the Questions and Searching For Evidence


$20.00 USD

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  • Define Evidence Based Practice (EBP)
  • Identify problems/obstacles to EBP
  • Outline the process of EBP
  • Learn how to ask good clinical questions: PICO
  • Describe how to search PubMed and learn how PubMed translates a search query
  • Define MeSH terms and describe their use
  • Illustrate how to limit or broaden your search to find the appropriate content
  • Compare the results of boolean operators AND, OR and NOT

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

AudioVisual Course

Evidence Based Outcomes 201

Outcomes Assessment in Chiropractic Practice - Reviewing the Current Literature


$40.00 USD

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  • Assess the current literature on outcomes assessment in chiropractic practice
  • Describe the psychometric properties outcome measures
  • Summarize the utility of patient related outcome measures
  • Outline the various domains of outcome assessments
  • Describe the clinical significance of common patient reported outcome measures
  • Identify guidelines and recommendations for use of outcomes measures in daily practice
  • Identify clinician driven outcome measures and discuss the strength of evidence supporting them along with their clinical significance and utility

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

Downloadable Course in PDF