COTA Skills - OT Assistant

COTA Skills 130

Working with Elders Who Have Oncological Conditions


$19.00 USD

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  • Identify 4 common oncological diagnoses associated with aging
  • Discuss cancer treatment provided to elders with cancer and the associated side effects
  • Describe the role of OT with the elder cancer patient, and list 3 different approaches that might be used with them
  • Identify 3common complications that elders receiving cancer treatment often face, and discuss the impact of these on the OT intervention process
  • Describe modi???ed approaches to daily occupations that might be used by the COTA when working with an elder who has cancer

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 129
Working with Elders Who Have Pulmonary Conditions


$19.00 USD

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  • De???ne chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Identify common symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Identify the psychosocial effect of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on elders
  • List conditions that affect the sexual functioning of elders with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Describe assessment and intervention for elders with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 128
Working with Elders Who Have Cardiovascular Conditions


$19.00 USD

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  • Identify the signs and symptoms of cardiac dysfunction
  • Describe the phases of cardiac rehabilitation
  • Recognize the role of occupational therapy in cardiac rehabilitation
  • Describe assessments, intervention techniques, and precautions used with elders who have cardiac conditions
  • Describe intervention approaches for elders with cardiac conditions in various treatment settings

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 127

Working with Elders Who Have Orthopedic Conditions


$38.00 USD

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  • Identify 3 causes of fractures in the elder population
  • Identify terminology related to fractures and their management
  • Describe 3 precautions required after a hip pinning and implications of such a procedure relative to occupational performance
  • Describe the precautions required after a total hip replacement and the implications of such a procedure relative to occupational performance
  • Identify adaptive equipment and modi???ed methods of performance that bene???t elders with hip fractures
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout
  • Describe the effects of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout on occupational performance
  • Explain the principles of joint protection, work simpli???cation, and energy conservation

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 126
Working with Elders Who Have Psychiatric Conditions


$19.00 USD

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  • Understand the prevalence of mental illness among elders
  • Discuss trends in approaches to support well-being, and circumvent the in???uences of diseases of meaning in daily life
  • Become acquainted with psychiatric diagnoses common among institutionalized and community dwelling elders
  • Describe the importance of considering both mental health and medical conditions when working with elders
  • Identify assessments commonly used by OT practitioners with elders who have mental illness
  • Describe intervention approaches commonly used with elders who have mental illness

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 125

Working with Elders Who Have Dementia and Alzheimers Disease


$38.00 USD

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  • Describe person-centered care and personhood
  • Gain awareness and sensitivity to the cognitive, physical, and psychosocial needs of elders with AD
  • Describe occupation-focused care and list 5 suggestions to promote wellness through task simpli???cation and modi???cation
  • Identify caregiving techniques, approaches, and interventions that can be used to help empower elders who have AD to participate in daily living tasks
  • Suggest 3 appropriate communication responses to elders with AD
  • Problem solve antecedents and list 3 approaches to refocus unwanted behavioral responses

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 124
Working with Elders Who Have Had Cerebrovascular Accidents


$19.00 USD

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  • Discuss cerebrovascular accidents by describing the major features of strokes affecting the main arteries of the brain
  • Discuss at least 3 considerations in the OT evaluation of elders who have had a stroke
  • Describe the sequence of facilitating midline alignment while elders are supine, sitting, and standing, and explain the steps to follow when transferring elders from a supine position to the edge of the bed or from a sitting to a standing position
  • Explain precautions for handling an elder's hemiplegic upper extremity

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 123
Dysphagia and Other Eating and Nutritional Concerns with Elders


$19.00 USD

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  • Discuss the increased incidence of swallowing, eating, and nutritional problems occurring with elders
  • Identify the basic anatomical structures related to swallowing and the swallow sequence
  • Relate the physiological changes and the onset of increased age-related medical conditions with the increased incidence of swallowing problems
  • Identify intervention strategies and precautions for improving oral intake and nutrition
  • Discuss the roles of the team members and the importance of teamwork in addressing swallowing and nutritional concerns
  • Relate ideas for managing different types of feeding problems
  • Discuss the psychological and ethical concerns that are present when swallowing problems develop

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 122

Strategies to Maintain Continence in Elders


$19.00 USD

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  • Determine the prevalence and cost associated with incontinence
  • Indicate common causes of incontinence
  • Review the normal anatomy and physiology of urination and defecation
  • Identify the different types of urinary and fecal incontinence
  • Explain the effect of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act in dealing with the problem of incontinence in nursing homes
  • Specify the role of each team member, emphasizing the importance of an interdisciplinary approach
  • Identify the COTA's role in the management of incontinence
  • List suggestions for the management of incontinence

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 121
Working with Elders Who Have Hearing Impairments


$19.00 USD

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  • Describe sensorineural and conductive hearing losses
  • Describe ways that slow, progressive changes in the auditory system interfere with occupations that require communication
  • List environmental modi???cations that reduce background noise in homes and institutions
  • Describe possible safety recommendations for home and institutional environments where hearing-impaired elders reside
  • Describe the effect of age-related hearing loss on socialization, communication, and travel and its possible contribution to feelings of isolation for hearing-impaired elders
  • List suggestions for improving communication with hearing-impaired elders
  • Describe possible behaviors that may indicate hearing impairment

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 120

Working with Elders Who Have Vision Impairments


$19.00 USD

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  • Describe typical physiological changes affecting vision that occur with aging
  • Name and describe the major ocular diseases affecting vision in elders
  • Describe common vision de???cits resulting from neurological insults in elders
  • Describe psychosocial implications of vision impairments in elders, possible effects on rehabilitation, and on functional outcomes
  • Describe the use of the OT Practice Framework's  dynamic, interactive process of evaluation, intervention, and outcomes to address functional de???cits in elder clients resulting from visual impairment
  • Identify general principles to enhance vision
  • Identify environmental or contextual considerations and interventions to increase independence and safety in elders with low vision 
  • Identify general principles in intervention of visual dysfunction after brain insult
  • Identify team members and community resources that registered OTR's and COTA's may collaborate with to improve functional outcomes in elders with low vision

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 119
Considerations of Mobility


$38.00 USD

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  • Discuss the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act regulations pertaining to the use of physical restraints
  • Describe the steps in the establishment of a restraint reduction program
  • Describe the role of the certi???ed OTA in restraint reduction
  • Outline the basic steps in evaluating the ???t of a wheelchair
  • Describe the major precautions to consider when elders should use wheelchairs
  • Describe essential considerations when evaluating and ???tting a bariatric person with a wheelchair
  • Identify three reasons that elder adults are at a greater risk for falls than the general population
  • Identify environmental, biological, psychosocial, and functional causes of falls
  • Describe key considerations during the evaluation process for elder adults at risk for falls
  • Describe recommended and evidence-based interventions to prevent falls
  • Discuss potential desired outcomes of fall prevention interventions
  • Discuss ways elders may gain access to public transportation
  • Describe ways elders may become safer pedestrians
  • Describe a driving evaluation, and identify criteria for this assessment
  • Describe visual and physical changes in elders that may affect their ability to drive

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 118

Use of Medications by Elders


$19.00 USD

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  • Identify factors that predispose elders to adverse drug events, and discuss strategies to detect medication problems
  • De???ne polypharmacy and identify recommended interventions to diminish drug-related problems of polypharmacy in elders
  • Identify classes of medications commonly associated with adverse drug reactions in elders
  • Identify and describe skills needed for safe self-medication
  • Apply the OT Practice Framework: Domain and Process, second edition, to analyze self-medication for individuals with various conditions
  • Explain the ways that adaptive devices compensate for skills needed for safe self-medication
  • Describe elder and caregiver education needs regarding self-medication

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 117
Addressing Sexual Activity of Elders


$19.00 USD

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  • Discuss the ways that values can in???uence attitudes about elder sexuality
  • Identify primary myths about elder sexuality
  • Discuss how elder homosexuals have been ignored by society
  • Describe normal, age-related, sexual, physiological changes
  • Describe sexually transmitted diseases and the elder population
  • Discuss the treatment team members ’ roles in addressing elders ’ sexual concerns
  • Discuss the ways elders ’ sexuality is commonly dealt with in nursing facilities
  • List the components of the permission, limited information, speci???c suggestions, and intensive therapy model (PLISSIT), and discuss ways that the COTA can apply this model
  • Identify strategies for elder sexual education
  • List intervention and safety sides for addressing sexual concerns of elders who experience strokes, heart disease, and arthritis
  • Increase personal comfort to discuss elder sexual concerns

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 116
Working with Families and Caregivers of Elders


$19.00 USD

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  • De???ne the role of the certi???ed COTA in family and caregiver training
  • Understand role changes within family systems at the onset of debilitating conditions in elders
  • Discuss communication strategies that maximize comprehension during elder, family, and caregiver education
  • Identify stressors that affect quality of care, ability to cope, and emotional responses in the elder-caregiver relationship
  • Identify techniques to minimize caregiver stress
  • Define and identify signs of elder abuse and neglect, and discuss reporting requirements

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 115

Ethical Aspects in the Work with Elders


$19.00 USD

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  • Discuss steps for ethical consideration
  • Become familiar with the language of ethics
  • Re???ne and explain personal and professional ethical commitments

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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COTA Skills 114

Cultural Diversity of the Aging Population


$19.00 USD

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  • Explain the meaning of diversity and compare 3 related terms
  • Explore and explain 3 personal experiences, beliefs, values, and attitudes regarding diversity
  • Discuss the need to accept the uniqueness of each individual and the importance of being sensitive to issues of diversity in the practice of OT with elders
  • Outline 3 strategies to facilitate interaction with elders of diverse backgrounds

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

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