Boundary Training - Chiropractic Assistant

Boundary Training 121
Boundaries for Health Care Providers - Part 2


$20.00 USD

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  • Recognize the challenges of social networking and boundaries
  • Evaluate issues specific to boundaries
  • Clarify guidelines for maintaining professional boundaries
  • Reflect on the maintenance of professional boundaries

Kathleen Boland, PhD, LCSW, ACSW

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Boundary Training 120
Boundaries for Health Care Providers - Part 1


$20.00 USD

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  • Identify the purpose of professional boundaries
  • Differentiate between boundary violations and boundary crossings
  • Identify the various factors related to dual relationships
  • Identify issues related to bartering, gifts and boundaries

Kathleen Boland, PhD, LCSW, ACSW

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Boundary Training 119

Inclusive Employment in the Growing Health Care Sector Creating an Inclusive Environment Anxiety, Pity and Other Uncomfortable Feelings


$20.00 USD

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  • Recognize the barriers that people with disability face in securing employment and aim to dismantle those barriers whenever you can.
  • Become familiar with specific workplace accommodations for employees with disability.  These can be easy to execute and inexpensive.
  • Commit to making your own workplace more inclusive by adopting simple changes to aid employees as well as patients.
  • Accept your own uncomfortable feelings about disability in order to move beyond their grip.


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Boundary Training 118
Culture and Needs of Different Disabilities the Journey Toward Inclusion: Language, Law, Technology Medicine


$20.00 USD

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  • Appreciate how your patients with disability have learned to adapt so you can work with their adaptive techniques and compensatory skills.
  • Integrate do’s and don’ts about how to respond to specific disabilities.
  • Surface – and learn to overcome – your hidden prejudices and stereotypes.
  • Recognize how non-apparent disabilities can impact effective communication, compliance and other important health care outcomes.
  • Familiarize yourself with legislative and technological breakthroughs that can support your patients during healing and recovery.


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Boundary Training 117
Professional Boundaries in the Disbility Commnity


$20.00 USD

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  • Recognize disability in your practice.  Today one in five Americans has a disability and this percent will continue to increase because of medical advances and the aging of our population.
  • Become familiar with the range of disabilities including those involving mobility, hearing, speech, vision as well as the wide range of non-apparent disabilities.
  • Integrate the course's Seven Themes for Setting Appropriate Boundaries with the Disability Community into your everyday practice.
  • Avoid limiting beliefs about what people with disability can or cannot do.  Today people with disability have access to technological and other adaptive techniques that make full inclusion possible.
  • Gain disability competence through skillful navigation of physical boundaries as well as psychological, emotional and social boundaries.


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Boundary Training 113

Issues of Sexual Misconduct and Gender Sensitivity


$44.00 USD

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  • Define and discuss professional boundaries
  • Define and discuss sexual misconduct
  • Sensitize The D.C. To Issues Relating to Sexual Interaction With The Patient
  • Discuss the problem of sexual misconduct, either real or perceived
  • Define and discuss specific examination procedures
  • Provide methods for recording examinations and incidents
  • Discuss case of alleged sexual misconduct
  • Discuss strategies to avoid misunderstandings that may lead to charges of sexual misconduct

Joseph Ferezy, DC, DACAN, FIACN

AudioVisual Course

Boundary Training 112
Dealing with Attractions; Creating A Safe Practice


$24.00 USD

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  • Develop guidelines of dealing with a patient who is attracted to you
  • Develop guidelines of dealing with feeling an attraction
  • Discuss the six factors for a safe practice
  • Describe the new partnership between healthcare providers and patients

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 111

Making Necessary Changes in One's Office/Practice; Diffusing Attractions


$24.00 USD

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  • Develop a plan for change based on the risk factor analysis (RFA) and practice evaluation questionnaires
  • Identify areas of improvement for touch, consent, communication and respect
  • Address concerns raised by staff and patients
  • Discuss ways to defuse attraction

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 110
Buddy and Supervisor Evaluations


$24.00 USD

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  • Develop and implement a buddy/supervisor evaluation of the healthcare provider and staff
  • Develop and implement a patient evaluation of the healthcare provider and staff
  • Create a system of analysis for the buddy/supervisor, healthcare provider, staff and patient evaluations

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 109
Safe Practice Analysis; Risk Factor Analysis - Self Assessments


$24.00 USD

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  • Develop and outline for safe practice analysis
  • Perform a risk factor analysis
  • Execute a healthcare provider questionnaire
  • Create a staff evaluation to implement at the office

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 108
Safe Touch Guidelines and Strategies For Safe Touching


$24.00 USD

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  • Develop safe touch guidelines
  • Create a set of office based interventions and patient based interventions in the development of safe practice strategies
  • Define educational interventions for safe practice strategies
  • Define the basics of the supervision for a safe practice strategy

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 107

Consent, Power Issues, Adherence vs.Compliance, Risk Levels One Faces as A Healthcare Provider


$24.00 USD

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  • Define professional boundaries and relate the issue of consent
  • Describe the three types of power, the three patterns of power, and how power is used
  • Discuss the differences between adherence vs. compliance and transference vs. countertransference
  • Identify anatomical risk levels for touch

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 106
Examples and Common Fears About Sexual Misconduct; Caring for the Abused Patient


$24.00 USD

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  • Describe how misconduct occurs
  • Distinguish between different types of offenders
  • Give examples of case studies in sexual misconduct
  • Identify common fears and misconceptions of sexual misconduct
  • Specify important concepts of treated a patient who has a history of abuse

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 105
Practical Applications Gender, Sexuality, Touch, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct


$24.00 USD

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  • Perform an exercise to identify personal concepts of touch
  • Create practical applications for healthcare practitioners with regard to gender, touch, and sexuality
  • Define sexual misconduct
  • Recognize the difference between sexual misconduct and sexual harassment
  • Critique different models of misconduct

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 104

Touch and the Doctor Patient Relationship


$24.00 USD

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  • Define Touch as it relates to perception, gender and culture
  • Discuss the giving up of power as it relates to patients and touch
  • Recognize the perception, intention, and uses of touch
  • Perform an analysis of individual conceptions of gender and sexuality

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 103
Sexuality and the Doctor Patient Relationship


$24.00 USD

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  • Describe what accounts for the differences, in practice style and patient care, between males and females healthcare providers
  • Define differing sexualities in western culture
  • Review sexuality as it relates to the Doctor/Patient relationship
  • Identify misconceptions in personal definitions of male, female, power and sexuality
  • Recognize when Power is misused and becomes a threat

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 102
Gender, Power and the Doctor Patient Relationship


$24.00 USD

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  • Identify aspects of male and female psychological development
  • Relate basic concepts of Gender and Power
  • List female and male leadership factors
  • Discuss gender and the Doctor/Patient relationship
  • Identify the ways which gender affects the Doctor/Patient relationship

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 101 - 112

$240.00 USD

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  • This includes all courses with the educational objectives listed from Boundary Training 101 through Boundary Training 112

Course Group includes all Boundary Training Courses numbered 101 thru 112

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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Boundary Training 101
Gender Roles and Traits


$24.00 USD

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  • Discuss the concept of Gender as it relates to society, language and culture
  • Identify Gender roles in Western Society
  • Recognize innate gender traits in males and females
  • Summarize socially imposed gender traits

Angelica Redleaf, DC

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