Hour 1
- Identify some common gait abnormalities seen in gait analysis and develop mental strategies in evaluating the 3 cardinal planes of motion and potential failures in the loading of these planes.
- Categorize the Fast and Slow phases of an imbalance asymmetrical gait and define rehabilitation strategies to remedy the gait pathology.
- Develop a conceptual overview of how step length and stride length change in a limping gait.
- Breakdown portions of the gait cycle into its component parts, including compensation patterns
- Conceptualize the gait changes oriented around a hallux (great toe) amputation and learn to predict gait compensations off of a fixed anatomic anomaly.
- Describe arm swing and how it plays out in gait, particularly asymmetrical, and develop some treatment concepts in addressing this asymmetry.
Hour 2
- Discuss the critical function of the deep neck flexors and transverse abdominus, and how they related to gait, especially the running athlete.
- Identify the 3 compartments of the thoracolumbar fascia and translate them into gait concepts and treatment concepts.
- Develop treatment concepts in addressing this asymmetry and define in-phase and out-of-phase arm and leg swing assimilation
- Discuss on a surface level the concepts of speed in gait, and how to adjust the speed of one's gait to break down gait components that might lead to better treatment directions.
- Describe central pattern generators and relate to arm swing on a neurologic level.
- Recognize some common gait abnormalities seen in gait analysis such as arm swing, step length, the cross over gait, and develop mental strategies in evaluating the 3 cardinal planes of motion and potential failures in the loading of these planes when it comes to these gait parameters.
- AKAlaska
- BCBritish Columbia
- CACalifornia
- COColorado
- CTConnecticut
- DEDelaware
- DCDistrict of Columbia
- FLFlorida
- GAGeorgia
- GUGuam
- IDIdaho
- ILIllinois
- INIndiana
- IAIowa
- KSKansas
- MEMaine
- MBManitoba
- MDMaryland
- MAMassachusetts
- MIMichigan
- MNMinnesota
- MOMissouri
- MTMontana
- NENebraska
- NBNew Brunswick
- NHNew Hampshire
- NJNew Jersey
- NCNorth Carolina
- NDNorth Dakota
- NSNova Scotia
- OHOhio
- ONOntario
- OROregon
- PAPennsylvania
- PRPuerto Rico
- RIRhode Island
- SCSouth Carolina
- SDSouth Dakota
- TNTennessee
- UTUtah
- VTVermont
- VIVirgin Islands
- VAVirginia
- WAWashington
- WVWest Virginia
- WYWyoming
- YTYukon
The purpose of this broad ranging 2 part , 2 hour video course is to expose the student to some broad, yet deeply reaching concepts on how the body moves, loads, compensates and strategizes when there is weakness, immature sensory-motor patterns, injury, and asymmetries in the body. Visual cases and video will be used to discuss these topics. Though a broad lecture, it will require some basics of gait phases and principles to fully grasp the depth of the topics discussed. Please consider first taking our basics of gait classes prior to delving into this complex lecture.