- Explain the causes behind Musculoskeletal Injuries
- Compare the minimum/maximum times during the Acute, Repair, and Remodeling Phase of Recovery
- Summarize protocols for acute inflammation
- Demonstrate a Kinetic Chain Assessment
- Explain why indirect cause of injury can be as disabling due to tissue overuse and overload
- Contrast and compare male vs female most common extremity injuries
- Contrast the differences between high school, collegiate, and professional athletic injuries
- Summarize how gold-standard management drives lower injury rates and duration
- Develop components of a typical healthy meal plan for athletes
- Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy food choices in each category of FAT, CHO, PRO
- Identify problem foods specific to the individual athlete
- Explain CHO loading and examples of high glycemic index foods
- Describe meal plan for post-exercise "window of recovery"
- Describe benefits and sources of branched chain amino acids for athletic recovery
- Explain purpose of omega 3 fatty acids during recovery phase of athletic activity
- Define components of female athlete triad
- List vitamins and minerals required to rebuild bone health in female athlete triad
- Name ergogenic nutrients acceptable to the World Anti-Doping Agency
- Explain difference between dehydration and hyponatremia
- Recognize early or acute signs and symptoms of dehydration and hyponatremia
- Discuss benefits of each method of determining hydration status
- Demonstrate treatment intervention for heat cramps
- Compare energy drink to sports drink
- Define and recognize brain concussion, second impact syndrome, and chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
- Describe frequency of sports concussion and common duration of signs and symptoms.
- Describe all possible results of head trauma, including second impact syndrome, intracranial hematoma, skull fracture, brain contusion, cervical injury (both mild and dangerous)
- Differentiate and rule out dangerous results from head trauma.
- Demonstrate proper exam procedures following head trauma on field.
- Demonstrate proper exam procedures to clear the cervical spine on field.
- Perform the SCAT 3 exam and describe how it is to be used both on field and in the office.
- Describe how and why one performs serial exams after head trauma on field.
- Describe return to play protocols for concussed athletes.
- Describe prevention procedures for sports concussion.
- ALAlabama
- AKAlaska
- ABAlberta
- AZArizona
- ARArkansas
- BCBritish Columbia
- CACalifornia
- COColorado
- CTConnecticut
- DEDelaware
- DCDistrict of Columbia
- FLFlorida
- GAGeorgia
- GUGuam
- HIHawaii
- IDIdaho
- ILIllinois
- INIndiana
- IAIowa
- KYKentucky
- LALouisiana
- MEMaine
- MBManitoba
- MDMaryland
- MAMassachusetts
- MIMichigan
- MNMinnesota
- MOMissouri
- MTMontana
- NENebraska
- NBNew Brunswick
- NHNew Hampshire
- NMNew Mexico
- NYNew York
- NLNewfoundland and Labrador
- NDNorth Dakota
- NTNorthwest Territories
- NSNova Scotia
- NUNunavut
- OHOhio
- ONOntario
- PAPennsylvania
- PEPrince Edward Island
- PRPuerto Rico
- QCQuebec
- RIRhode Island
- SKSaskatchewan
- SCSouth Carolina
- SDSouth Dakota
- TXTexas
- UTUtah
- VTVermont
- VIVirgin Islands
- VAVirginia
- WVWest Virginia
- WYWyoming
- YTYukon
This course provides 8 hours of CE for Relicensure (subject to state approval) AND meets course requirements to become TIPS-Certified.