- Develop diagnostic tools and complementary treatment approaches to Achilles tendinopathy and related Achiiles tendon issues
- Outline a complete approach to treatment from assessment to acupuncture to patient advice
- Discover major points and regions used most to treat Achilles tendon issues
- Apply palpation and needling concepts to regions affecting/affected by Achilles tendinopathy
- Devise treatment plans specific to the patient’s Achilles tendon issue
- ALAlabama
- AKAlaska
- ABAlberta
- AZArizona
- ARArkansas
- BCBritish Columbia
- CACalifornia
- COColorado
- CTConnecticut
- DEDelaware
- DCDistrict of Columbia
- FLFlorida
- GAGeorgia
- GUGuam
- HIHawaii
- IDIdaho
- ILIllinois
- INIndiana
- IAIowa
- KYKentucky
- LALouisiana
- MEMaine
- MBManitoba
- MDMaryland
- MAMassachusetts
- MIMichigan
- MNMinnesota
- MOMissouri
- MTMontana
- NENebraska
- NBNew Brunswick
- NHNew Hampshire
- NMNew Mexico
- NYNew York
- NLNewfoundland and Labrador
- NDNorth Dakota
- NTNorthwest Territories
- NSNova Scotia
- NUNunavut
- OHOhio
- ONOntario
- PAPennsylvania
- PEPrince Edward Island
- PRPuerto Rico
- QCQuebec
- RIRhode Island
- SKSaskatchewan
- SCSouth Carolina
- SDSouth Dakota
- TXTexas
- UTUtah
- VTVermont
- VIVirgin Islands
- VAVirginia
- WVWest Virginia
- WYWyoming
- YTYukon
Instructor Recommends taking the foundational course "Acupunture 222 - Introduction" prior to taking this course.