
NEW Chiropractic Courses

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

We are excited to announce the release of some new courses for the Chiropractic profession! Our newly released Chiropractic Continuing Ed courses include: Documentation 171, Nutrition 143, Physical Diagnosis 164, Clinical Justification 204, and Chiropractic and Pregnancy 212. Be sure to visit our site regularly as we are always releasing new courses.

ChiroCredit is now offering Documentation 171 for the Chiropractic Doctor. This is a 1.0 credit hour course instructed by Mills Chang, MCS-P, CCPC. The objectives of this course include:
•    Know how to document exactly what’s required for initial visit treatment plans including physical medicine procedures
•    Apply sample language to include in each daily visit note that will meet documentation guidelines for these modalities and procedures, including properly recording time for timed services
•    Command the mechanics of how to authenticate documentation for services provided by auxiliary team members
•    Tie the patient’s diagnosis to the treatment plan for tissue-specific, physical medicine solutions
•    Tell a complete and coherent account of the patient’s daily visit journey, outlining the crucial language necessary to justify medical necessity for all services rendered

Learn more about the Documentation 171 Course by clicking here.

Nutrition 143 is a newer course offered for Chiropractic Doctors. This is a 2.0 credit hour course instructed by Goldenberg, ND. Educational objectives include:
•    Appraise the reviewed research studies for salient elements of bias.
•    Describe the sensitivity and specificity of common food sensitivity tests.
•    Identify the effect of common natural interventions for IBS.
•    Compare results of the low FODMAP diet to conventional dietary approach for IBS.
•    Differentiate between clinical and statistical significance in natural medicine interventions for IBS
•    Grade the magnitude of effect size for natural medicine interventions.
•    Interpret the effect size of an intervention as it relates to the numbers needed to treat for benefit.
•    Identify the risk of bias level for studies included in a systematic review on yoga for IBS.

Learn more about the Nutrition 143 Course by clicking here.

Physical Diagnosis 164 is now available for Chiropractic Doctors. This is a 1.0 credit hour course instructed by Lawson, DC. Educational objectives for this course include:
•    Recognize the signs and symptoms of a mid-back disorder
•    Be able to list differential diagnosis of mid-back disorders
•    Outline the different elements of a mid-back exam
•    Understand the importance of “red flags” in the exam and evaluation of mid-back complainants
•    Be able to summarize additional mid-back tests that can be performed and the reasons why to use them
Learn more about the Physical Diagnosis 164 Course by clicking here.

We are now offering a Clinical Justification 204 Course for Chiropractic Doctors. This is a 1.0 credit hour course instructed by Friedman, DC. Course objectives include:
•    Utilize the Official Disability Guidelines for Headaches.
•    Apply the Official Disability Guidelines for the chiropractic treatment of headaches.
•    Use the CCGPP Guidelines for the treatment of headaches.
•    Integrate Outcome Assessments for clinical justification of chiropractic treatment for headaches.

Learn more about the Clinical Justification 204 Course by clicking here.

Chiropractic and Pregnancy 212 is now being offered by ChiroCredit. This is a 1.0 credit hour course, instructed by Thistle, DC. The objectives of this course include:
•    Appraise the literature pertaining to the safety of acupuncture for pregnant women
•    Summarize consensus-based recommendations regarding best practices for the chiropractic care of children
•    Explore the association between exercise levels and types pre-pregnancy and pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy in nulliparous women
•    Assess alterations in pelvic floor function in pregnant women secondary to spinal manipulation
•    Compare the effectiveness of Kinesio taping combined with exercise on abdominal recovery in women post-caesarean section compared with exercise alone

Learn more about the Chiropractic and Pregnancy 212 Course by clicking here.