Case History:

38 yo male presents with right neck pain

Contributed By:
James Strange, DC, MS
Case Presentation: Page 1 of 5


A 38-year-old Caucasian male patient presents with local right neck pain of 2-days duration. He reports just waking up with it and currently rates the neck pain at 4/10 OPS (currently) and 5/10 OPS (at it’s worst). He states that the initial cause seemed to stem from a new exercise workout routine he started which included decline bench presses with a heavier weight than what he normally lifted. He states that he felt a “twinge in his neck” while performing the exercise. His pain is exacerbated by bending his head forward and is improved when resting or bending his head back. He reports no prior history of neck pain. There seems to be no change in his pain level since the initial onset and he was hoping that it would just “go away.” During the history the patient seems attentive but in visible discomfort as he rotates his head. He denies having any headaches or arm symptoms other that mild radiation into his upper traps.

Question: Based upon the history what are some differential diagnoses you might be considering?

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