Idaho Physical Therapist Continuing Education

Idaho Accepts Courses


Idaho Continuing Education Requirements:

PT: 16 hrs annually - Idaho Accepts 16 hours of Online Continuing Education Courses


Please scroll down to view courses accepted and their approval code/langauge.  When logged in, as long as your licenses are entered on your account, each course is clearly identified as being approved or not approved.


Continuing Education Requirements for Certified Hand Therapists:  

The Hand Therapy Certification Commission (HTCC) is the governing body that is responsible for credentialing certified hand therapists (CHT). In order to maintain the CHT credential, a CHT must accumulate a minimum of 80 contact hours of professional development activities during their five-year accrual period. Professional development hours may be earned in seven different categories. offers courses in 3 Categories: A, B and C.

Category A - Formal Courses in Upper Extremity Therapy, 3 hours or more in length. All 80 hours can be earned in this category. HTCC Accepts OnlineCE courses.

Category B - Informal Courses in Upper Extremity Therapy, less than 3 hours in length. Maximum accepted: 30 hours per 5-year accrual cycle. HTCC Accepts OnlineCE courses.

Category C - Formal Courses with General Clinical OT or PT content. Maximum accepted: 20 hours per 5-year accrual cycle. HTCC Accepts OnlineCE courses.


State of Idaho Continuing Education Requirements

Idaho Continuing Education requirements posted on this page are based upon the most up to date information available. Idaho continuing education requirements are subject to change and therefore, Idaho PT/PTA licensee's are ultimately responsible for being up to date with the Idaho continuing education requirements.


Continuing education courses offered on provide Online CEU for Idaho Physical Therapists (PT) and Idaho Physical Therapy Assistants (PTA). The online courses enhance the knowledge bases of PT/PTA to enhance clinical therapy practice. Free 1 hour online home study CE credit course for new Idaho Physical Therapy and Physical Therapy Assistant registered users at

Found 673 courses
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Ortho 118 : Bone Healing - Everything You Need to Know

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Identify and describe the phases of bone healing
  • List and describe 3 objectives that serve as the foundation of fracture management and bone healing
  • Define and differentiate osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes
  • Define and discuss Wolff’s law
  • Discuss 3 principles of stress deprivation, immobilization, and normal physiologic stress as they apply to fracture healing
  • Identify 3 complications of bone healing
  • Outline and describe 6 areas of descriptive organization of classifying fractures
  • Describe pathologic fractures and list 4 types
  • Discuss 2 ways how osteoporosis affects fractures
  • List 2 common methods of fracture fixation, fixation devices, and fracture classifications

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Ortho 119 : Muscle and Tendon Healing

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$18.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Describe and differentiate between the macrostructure and microstructure of muscle and tendon
  • List and describe the 2 main types of muscle fibers. List and describe the 3 mechanisms for a muscle injury
  • Describe the difference between a supraphysiologic and a sub-failure load and how each type may contribute to an injury
  • Define how a muscle strain differs from a ligament sprain
  • Describe the differences between a tendinitis and a tendinosis
  • Describe the effects of aging on tendons
  • Name and describe the 3 phases of connective tissue healing
  • Describe the effects of immobilization on connective tissue

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 105 : Cancer: Pathology, Physical Activity, Nutrition, Massage Therapy and Acupuncture

Dean Smith, DC, PhD

$18.00 USD

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  • Outline the nature of and hallmarks of cancer
  • Summarize the relationship between physical activity and cancer
  • Summarize the relationship between nutrition and cancer
  • Summarize the relationship between massage therapy and cancer
  • Summarize the relationship between acupuncture and cancer
  • Summarize the relationship between manual therapy and cancer

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 106 : Pain, Inflammation, Back Pain, Fibromyalgia and Peripheral Neuropathy

Ron Steriti, ND, PhD

$18.00 USD

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  • Summarize the assessment and diagnosis of pain
  • List and describe 5 common causes of back pain and how to prevent injury
  • Outline the causes of fibromyalgia
  • Illustrate the mechanisms of inflammation and pain
  • Discuss the pain of peripheral neuropathy

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 110 : Orthopedic Management of Pain and Pain Syndromes

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Describe 3 ways how pain can be a burden to the patient and society
  • Describe 2 key components of the biopsychosocial model for treating pain
  • Describe how pain is a multisystem output
  • Describe the neuromatrix and how it relates to a person’s neural signature
  • List 3 medical terms that can influence a patient’s level of fear and anxiety
  • Describe 3 body systems that can be influenced by a persistent state of pain
  • Outline the 12 treatment principles in the context of therapeutic neuroscience education for patients with persistent pain

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 203 : Introduction to Pain and The Patient's Voice

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

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  • Identify key professionals and describe the various roles that each person on the interprofessional pain team plays
  • Understand the impact that chronic pain can have across varied life domains
  • Describe the link between the individual experience of pain and the social environment
  • Examine the association between healthcare provider-patient communication and health outcomes

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 204 : Neuroanatomy of the Nociceptive System and Neurophysiology of Pain

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$54.00 USD

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  • Appreciate the different types of peripheral nociceptors and their associated axons
  • Describe the pathways involved in transmitting nociceptive information within the nervous system
  • Describe the organization of the dorsal horn and the termination patterns of afferent inputs
  • Examine the areas of the nervous system involved in the perception, integration and response to nociception
  • Become familiar with the neurophysiology underlying somatic and visceral pain
  • Outline and describe mechanisms of sensitization in the peripheral and central nervous system
  • Describe ways in which the brain controls nociceptive processing
  • Identify and describe brain structures involved in the perception of pain

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 205 : Assessing Pain

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

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  • Define and explain the difference between pain assessment and pain measurement
  • Describe the type of pain evaluation commonly used
  • Describe some of the most commonly used pain measurement tools
  • Become familiar with some consensus guidelines around pain assessment
  • Explore and discuss the impact which culture, ethnicity, religion and gender can have on pain assessment

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 206 : Neuropathic Pain and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

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  • Describe the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying neuropathic pain and complex regional pain syndrome
  • Identify symptoms that alert the clinician to the possible presence of these conditions
  • Become familiar with current diagnostic criteria and their limitations
  • Describe a methodical approach to examination and treatment, based on current international evidence and guidelines

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 207 : Manual Therapy and Influence on Pain Perception

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$54.00 USD

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  • Understand manual therapy in the context of biopsychosocial management of  musculoskeletal pain
  • Describe the effects of manual therapy on local tissue, spinal and supraspinal pain mechanisms
  • Describe the effects of pleasant touch on pain
  • Examine the effects of treatment-related pain on pain perception
  • Analyze the effects of manual therapy on motor control
  • Explain how manual therapy may be applied in practice

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 208 : Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

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  • Discuss the use of TENS and acupuncture for pain management and list 5 indications and contraindications/risks.
  • Describe and analyze 2 principles underpinning various techniques of TENS and acupuncture
  • Describe the research supporting the analgesic mechanisms of action of TENS and acupuncture.
  • Summarize clinical research evidence on clinical effectiveness for TENS and acupuncture
  • Discuss why the clinical experience of outcome when using TENS and acupuncture sometimes differs from some of the clinical research findings.

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 209 : Complementary Therapy Approaches to Pain

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

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  • Describe and differentiate the role and limitations of complementary therapies in pain management
  • Analyze the evidence base for specific complementary therapy interventions for patients living with pain
  • Compare and contrast key practical and professional issues in the integration of complementary therapies within clinical practice
  • Identify and recite possible sources of information for increasing knowledge and awareness of complementary approaches to pain management

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 210 : Cancer Pain

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

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  • Explore the magnitude of the problem of cancer pain
  • Understand the circumstances in the cancer journey when pain may occur
  • Describe the types of pain
  • Understand that the experience of pain can have physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions
  • List and describe the principles of pain management
  • Explore the barriers to good pain management
  • Appreciate the personal issues confronted by therapist's dealing with cancer pain

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 211 : Pain the Elderly

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$18.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Outline how the pain experience differs with age
  • Explore and differentiate particular conditions that commonly cause pain among middle-aged and older people
  • Examine difference in pain report and coping strategies among people of different age groups
  • Assess how age-related changes in neurophysiology may alter the pain experience
  • Explain how the pain experience is unique for older people in special populations, such as those with dementia
  • Compare ways to approach the assessment of pain in elderly persons

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 212 : Pain Neuroscience Education as the Foundation of Interdisciplinary Pain Treatment

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$18.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF

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  • Define and differentiate 4 common pain neuroscience terms
  • Lsit and describe 10 pieces of information that should be gathered in a pain evaluation
  • Summarize 3 treatment considerations for pain
  • Summarize relevant questions when considering the use of therapeutic modalities and complementary and integrated health in pain rehabilitation
  • Discuss the significance of psychosocial treatment options

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pain 213 : Musculoskeletal Pain in Older Adults

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

AudioVisual Course

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  • Discuss the incidence and background of musculoskeletal pain in older adults 
  • Outline the general approach including assessment, physical examination and imaging 
  • Summarize 5 different domains relevant for assessing chronic musculoskeletal pain in older adults 
  • Describe 3 approaches to treatment 
  • Outline and describe at least 5 common musculoskeletal conditions in older adults

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 112 : The Breast

Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

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  • Describe normal anatomy of the breast
  • List 5 factors of breast cancer
  • Explain the incidence of breast cancer and its impact on society
  • Explain the pathogenesis of fibrocystic changes and describe 3 histological changes
  • Describe the most common benign breast tumor including appearance, histological features and peak age of incidence

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 113 : The Skin

Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

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  • Define and differentiate skin lesions such as macule, papule, vesicle, pustule, ulcer and scar
  • Describe skin lesions caused by mechanical trauma
  • Explain short term and long term effects of ultraviolet light on the skin
  • Describe skin infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites
  • Describe typical lesions of acne vulgaris and explain their pathogenesis
  • Describe 2 manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis
  • List the most important neoplastic skin lesions involving the dermis

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 114 : Fluid and Hemodynamic Disorders

Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

$18.00 USD

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  • Define edema and give 5 clinical examples
  • Define shock and explain it pathogenesis
  • List 5 conditions that predispose an individual to arterial thrombi
  • Define emboli and give 5 clinical examples
  • Describe the 5 clinical consquences of venous and arterial thrombi

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 115 : Cell Pathology

Ruth Coopee, MT, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • List the most important causes of cell injury
  • Describe 3 types of cell adaptations
  • Describe cellular aging
  • Compare 2 forms of cell death: necrosis and apoptosis
  • Describe various forms of necrosis and give examples of each

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 116 : Inflammation

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Define inflammation and describe the cellular events that occur during acute inflammation
  • Describe the vascular changes that occur during acute inflammation
  • Explain the function of proteins and the clotting system in inflammation
  • Explain the functions of cytokines released in inflammation
  • Describe and differentiate local and systemic symptoms of inflammation

Course Brochure
Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 200 : Common Procedures in the Athletic Training Clinic

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$54.00 USD

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  • Name the limitations of the practice act pertaining to invasive procedures
  • Demonstrate use of an appropriate informed consent prior to performing any of the procedures described in this lesson
  • Employ fundamental aseptic procedures, including the use of sterile gloves and the creation of a sterile field
  • Properly unpack a sterile package and prepare for a sterile procedure
  • Compare the various types of sutures and suture needles and their specific applications
  • Describe the difference between interrupted, running, and mattress sutures and the advantages and disadvantages of each
  • Prepare the patient for injection and aspiration

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 201 : Basic Principles of Pharmacology

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$18.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the regulation of pharmaceuticals, including the management of prescription and nonprescription medication in an athletic training facility
  • Describe the basics of pharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics including dosage forms, routes of administration, and drug storage
  • Access various drug information resources to obtain more information about a drug

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 202 : Respiratory System

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
  • Define common normal and abnormal respiratory patterns
  • Perform a basic evaluation of the respiratory system, including ascultation and percussion
  • Identify characteristics of normal and abnormal breath sounds
  • Recognize common pathological conditions including signs and symptoms, differential assessment, referral, standard medical treatment and implications for participation in athletics

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 203 : Cardiovascular System

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Understand the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system
  • Understand cardiovascular adaptatons to exercise
  • Identify various cardiac arrhythmias
  • Identify signs and symptoms of cardiovascular abnormalities
  • Know when to refer an athlete to a physician for further cardiovascular evaluation

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 204 : Neurological System

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$54.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the anatomy and function of the nervous system
  • Recognize and assess an athlete with a suspected sport-related concussion
  • Describe a return-to-play progression for an athlete after sport-related concussion
  • Recognize and refer an athlete with signs or symptoms of a life-threatening neurological condition
  • Identify conditions that make an athlete susceptible to migraines and stroke
  • Recognize the symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome
  • Describe chronic neurological conditions and their effect on athletic participation
  • Differentiate when to make a referral to a physician for further neurological evaluation

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 205 : The Eye

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the eye
  • Perform a basic eye exam
  • Describe appropriate initial management of common conditions and injuries of the eye
  • Recognize conditions of the eye that require referral
  • Recognize conditions of the eye that may preclude the athlete from participation

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 206 : Ear, Nose, Throat and Mouth

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Describe the basic anatomy of the ear, nose, mouth and throat
  • Perform a basic examination of the ear, nose, mouth and throat, identifying normal and pathological conditions
  • Properly use an otoscope to examine the ear and the nose
  • Recognize common pathological conditions of the ear, nose, mouth and throat including signs and symptoms, differential assessment, and when to refer the patient to a physician
  • Appreciate the common diagnostic tests and standard medical treatment for conditions of the ear, nose, mouth and throat
  • Identify the implications for participation in athletics with various conditions of the ear, nose, mouth and throat

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 207 : Systemic Disorders

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

Downloadable Course in PDF, Text

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  • Appreciate the complexity of systemic disorders
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of common systemic ailments
  • Identify conditions that warrant referral to a physician
  • Relate the warning signs of malignancies involving the lymphatic system and blood
  • Describe prevention strategies for Lyme disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus
  • Determine and understand diabetic emergencies
  • Recognize and refer those with signs and symptoms of a malfunctioning thyroid

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31

Pathology 208 : Infectious Disease

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT

$36.00 USD

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  • Explain common infection transmission routes and their prevention
  • Justify the importance of maintaining immunization against those diseases for which there is vaccine
  • Describe the reporting levels of communicable disease
  • List the signs and symptoms of common infectious diseases
  • Recognize common childhood diseases and how to prevent them
  • Demonstrate universal precautions for the prevention and treatment of infectious disease

Accepted within scope of PT; Approved by other PT Board; Approved PT CE Provider (TX, IL, NY); AOTA Approved Provider
Expires: 2025-12-31