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Occupational Therapist

Assistive Technology 103

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems


  • Describe the different communicative needs of persons with disabilities
  • Discuss the basic approaches to meeting these differing needs
  • Recognize the needs that individuals have for conversation and for graphical output such as writing, mathematics, and drawing
  • Describe the ways that mainstream technologies are used to meet AAC needs
  • Describe the major characteristics of alternative and augmentative communication devices
  • Describe current approaches to speech output in assistive technologies
  • List and describe the major approaches to rate enhancement and vocabulary expansion
  • Describe the major assessment questions that must be asked and answered in determining the most appropriate alternative and augmentative communication device for an individual user
  • Discuss the major goals for and the signi???cance of training in augmentative and alternative communication device use and communicative competence
  • Delineate the steps and procedures involved in implementing an augmentative and alternative communication device for an individual consumer

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT


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