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OT Assistant

COTA Skills 101
CVA, TBI and Degenerative Diseases of the Central Nervous System


  • Examine the role of OT in preventing common complications after CVA.
  • Describe motor, sensory, visual perceptual, cognitive, speech, language, and behavioral impairments after CVA, and identify treatment strategies.
  • Describe the effects of deficits commonly experienced after left and right-sided CVA in task performance.
  • Identify OT treatment strategies for clients with CVA in areas of occupation: ADL, IADL, leisure and social participation.
  • Define TBI and identify its common causes.  
  • Describe the range of clinical symptoms in TBI.
  • Discuss the impact of posttraumatic amnesia on function.
  • Identify functional assessments used with TBI.
  • Outline the principles of a seating program.
  • Describe four degenerative diseases and their symptoms.
  • Summarize the focus of OT and describe how it is related to the treatment of degenerative diseases.
  • Recognize and describe OT interventions used to treat clients with degenerative diseases in various stages.

Joanne Brown, MS, OT, CHT


$0.00 USD

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