42 yo female with neck, shoulder, back, LE pain
Linda Simon, DC
Consider: Fibromyalgia Syndrome induced by trauma.
Evaluation and Advanced Imaging:
MRI and CT of the brain indicated that this patient had suffered a moderate head injury with permanent brain damage. Her headaches, confusion, overwhelm and anxiety stems from her fibromyalgia pain and chronic brain injury. It was difficult but not impossible to discern this patient’s line of thinking as her lines of communication were hard to follow. It was considered that the morphine was affecting the accuracy of her pain level and her ability to think more clearly. She was motivated to come off the morphine and spent the better part of one year to find a physician who would assist her. Examination indicated myospasms and spinal dysfunction in her cervical, thoracic and lumbopelvic spine with right shoulder dysfunction and rotator cuff imbalance.
Question: What if any other advanced testing or imaging of this patient would you order?