36yo man presents with severe upper back pain of many years duration
Linda Simon, DC
Treatment consisted of spinal manipulative therapeutics to the cervical and thoracic spine and rib cage. Trigger-point ultrasound and muscle stimulation were used interchangeably to address the chronically spastic and hardened muscle tissue as well as the trigger points found in the muscles. Stretches were given for the pectoralis, upper trapezius, and levator scapulae. Strengthening exercises were given for the deep neck flexors, lower trapezius, and serratus anterior. Russian stimulation could only be used for rehabilitating the lower trapezius because the deep neck flexors and serratus anterior are over vital organs and modalities cannot be performed over vital organs. This patient was given postural exercises.
Recommended courses for reference:
Soft Tissue Injury 103: Comprehensive Introduction to Soft tissue Injury and Treatment
Soft Tissue Injury 104: The Shoulder: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment
Soft Tissue Injury 106: The Cervical Spine: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment
Soft Tissue Injury 108: Thoracic Spine and Rib Cage: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment
Soft Tissue Injury 114: Deep Tissue and Muscle Fascial Release
Soft Tissue Injury 115: Active Myofascial Rehabilitation
Soft Tissue Injury 120: Modalities - Theories, Application and Treatment
Soft Tissue Injury 121: Posture; Normal Biomechanics, Pathology and Treatment for Scoliosis and Spinal Distortion Syndromes.