Case History:

36yo man presents with severe upper back pain of many years duration

Contributed By:
Linda Simon, DC
Case Presentation: Page 4 of 7


The concern is whether to consider several separate conditions such as cervicodorsal sprain/strain, thoracic spine sprain/strain, rib sprain/strains, myofascial pain syndrome or asses this patient for Shoulder Crossed Syndrome which is characterized by goose-necking, rounded shoulders, forward pelvic protrusion. Goose necking places high stress on the upper thoracic/lower cervical spine creating spasms and facet compression. There are contracted upper trapezius muscles, levator scapula and pectoralis muscles, and weak deep neck flexors, lower trapezius, and serratus anterior.


Question: What advanced diagnostic tests would you order if any at this point?

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