60 yo female presents with right shoulder pain stiffness and loss of motion
Linda Simon, DC
Considering the contraindications with most modalities in treatment of a patient with a history of metastatic breast cancer, the treatment parameters for this patient were carefully considered. Cold laser was used locally on this patient’s anterior capsule as well as her subscapularis and biceps attachments at the anterior shoulder. Gentle ROM and soft tissue stretches were introduced as well as unidirectional mobilizations to her shoulder on each visit. She was advised to begin Codman’s Arm Swings and Wall Walking to improve joint movement. Low force adjustments were made to correct her cervical spine and shoulder girdle. This patient made a full recovery.
Recommended courses for reference:
Soft Tissue Injury 103: Comprehensive Introduction to Soft tissue Injury and Treatment
Soft Tissue Injury 104: The Shoulder: Biomechanics, Pathology and Soft Tissue Treatment
Soft Tissue Injury 114: Deep Tissue and Muscle Fascial Release
Soft Tissue Injury 115: Active Myofascial Rehabilitation
Soft Tissue Injury 120: Modalities - Theories, Application and Treatment